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Kiwanis Club of LaGrange
Not-for-profitSocial Services/Agencies
About Us
The fundraisers below allow us to continue to help our local charities and community service organizations including Pillars, Helping Hand, Aging Care Connections, Boy Scouts and the Greater La Grange YMCA. Kiwanis also provides $25,000 in scholarships for students from both Lyons Township High School and Riverside Brookfield High School. They need our help more than ever.
Kiwanis Virtual ''Peanut Day''
As you can imagine, COVID-19 has impacted Kiwanis just as it has the rest of the world. this year’s annual “Peanut Day” will be a little different as a result. We have opened a Webstore with Terri Lynn Fundraising. Everything you buy gets shipped right to your door, and a portion of every sale goes directly to support our community. By following this link, you will find some familiar favorites as well as some new products: .
Aktion Club Holiday Wreath Sale
Our Kiwanis / Aktion Club (Adults with Disabilities) has not been able to meet because of COVID-19, but the group is hard at work to promote their annual fundraiser to provide quality holiday decorative wreaths, centerpieces and swags. Your purchase will help to support our community. Please follow these instructions to virtually order your products and these beautiful and traditional decorations will be sent directly to your home. DEADLINE TO ORDER HOLIDAY WREATHS IS NOVEMBER 14, 2020, SO ORDER NOW!
To order these beautiful wreaths - go to
Once at website,, click on the Friends & Family Tab
Enter the customer code KIWA