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Aging Care Connections
Senior Care ServicesNot-for-profit
- 111 West Harris Avenue La Grange IL 60525
- (708) 354-1323
- (708) 354-0282
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8:30am - 4:30pm / Monday through Friday
About Us
For over 50 years, Aging Care Connections has provided comprehensive, client-centered programs that enable older adults to age safely and with dignity in their communities. We have continued to grow and expand our service area to serve over 13.000 older adults age 60+, caregivers and their families in the 38 communities we serve in the following five townships: Lyons, Proviso, Norwood Park, Riverside, and Leyden, with the most of our services provided in Lyons, Proviso and Riverside townships. Today, our programs and services include:
• Adult Protective Services – Aging Care Connections receives and investigates reports of physical, sexual, emotional, and financial abuse and exploitation of older adults (age 60+) and adults (age 18-59) with disabilities.
• Aging Well Neighborhood –This program brings together older adults, businesses, healthcare and social services, and health education. A “Health Neighborhood” was created that supports life-long wellness, prevention, and an age-friendly community.
* Benefits Assistance –Assists and educates seniors about benefits and services to which they may be entitled.
•Caregiver Support–Helps individuals caring for an older adult, including one-on-one supportive counseling and support groups.
•Other programs include: Comprehensive Care Coordination, Congregate Meals Program, Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, Information and Assistance, Options Counseling, Special Diet Home-Delivered Meals, Support Groups, & Transitional Care