WSCCI Event Calendar
WSCCI Legislative Breakfast
2024 Legislative Breakfast Series
Springfield Inside the 4th Quarter
Sponsorship Opportunities
$5,000 Series Presenting Sponsor
Category Exclusively as SERIES PRESENTING SPONSOR. Recognition from the Podium. Weekly dedicated e-communications to advertise logo and sponsorship pre and post event. Logo/link on event website, press releases, social channels, and visual display at the event. Full page ad in Chamber Directory distributed regionally to 30,000+. Company Logo in event program. Company Promotion on website (one-month advertisement period). Eight tickets to each breakfast with reserved prominent seating placement. Featured in press releases.
$3,500 Diamond Sponsor
Recognition from the Podium. Weekly dedicated e-communications to advertise logo and sponsorship pre and post event. Logo/link on event website, press releases, social channels, and visual display at the event. Company Logo in event program. Half Page ad in Chamber Directory distributed regionally to 30,000+. Company Promotion on website (one-month advertisement period). Six tickets to each breakfast with reserved prominent seating placement. Featured in press releases.
$5,000 Series Presenting Sponsor
Category Exclusively as SERIES PRESENTING SPONSOR. Recognition from the Podium. Weekly dedicated e-communications to advertise logo and sponsorship pre and post event. Logo/link on event website, press releases, social channels, and visual display at the event. Full page ad in Chamber Directory distributed regionally to 30,000+. Company Logo in event program. Company Promotion on website (one-month advertisement period). Eight tickets to each breakfast with reserved prominent seating placement. Featured in press releases.
$3,500 Diamond Sponsor
Recognition from the Podium. Weekly dedicated e-communications to advertise logo and sponsorship pre and post event. Logo/link on event website, press releases, social channels, and visual display at the event. Company Logo in event program. Half Page ad in Chamber Directory distributed regionally to 30,000+. Company Promotion on website (one-month advertisement period). Six tickets to each breakfast with reserved prominent seating placement. Featured in press releases.
$2,500 Platinum Sponsor
Recognition from the Podium. Weekly dedicated e-communications to advertise logo and sponsorship pre & post event. Logo and link included on website, social channels, and visual display at the event. Half page ad in Chamber Directory distributed regionally to 30,000+. Company Promotion on website (one two-week advertisement period). Four tickets to legislative breakfast. Company name in event program.
$1,000 Gold Sponsor
Recognition from the podium . Company name on visual display at the event . (1) Dedicated e-communications to advertise logo and sponsorship pre-event and (1) post-event. Logo and link included on website and social channels. Two tickets to each legislative breakfast.
$500 Silver Sponsor
Company name on visual display at the event. (1) Dedicated e-communications to advertise logo and sponsorship pre-event and (1) post-event. Logo and link included on website and social channels. Two tickets to (1) legislative breakfast.
$250 Bronze Sponsor
Company name on visual display. One ticket to (1) legislative breakfast.
Date and Time
Monday Apr 22, 2024
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM CDT
Members $35
Non-Members $45
Contact Information
Kathleen Russell
Send Email