How to be an Employer of Choice

How to be an Employer of Choice
In the evolving landscape of the modern workplace, being an employer of choice is more mission-critical than ever. Companies that succeed in attracting and retaining top talent in today’s challenging market will be those that go beyond traditional methods of employee engagement and development. Here are five ways you can position your organization as an employer of choice and enjoy better business outcomes through investing in your people.

  1. Cultivate Strong Leadership
Employees want to work for leaders who inspire, support, and engage them. Develop strong leadership within your organization by providing training and development for your managers. Gallup research shows that 70% of the variance in employee engagement is tied directly to the manager, and yet 58% of managers have never been prepared for the role.  This creates an incredible gap for your business, as both managers and their direct reports struggle to perform at the desired level, hitting your bottom line harder. Leaders who are effective communicators, empathetic, and capable of fostering a positive team environment are crucial to your ability to be an employer of choice.
  1. Invest in Professional Development
Top talent expects opportunities for growth and development. In a recent job market analysis, 90% of those surveyed said that the opportunity to learn new skills was important when looking for a new job (Aerotek) and that up to 86% of workers would stay at their current job if their employer offered training and development (Forbes). Find ways to offer robust professional development programs, including training, certifications, and mentorship opportunities. By investing in your employees' growth, you demonstrate a commitment to their future while enhancing your organization’s capabilities.
  1. Recognize and Reward Excellence
Regular recognition and rewards are vital for maintaining high levels of employee engagement and motivation. 79% of employees cite lack of appreciation as a reason for quitting (Forbes) – a shockingly high number, and a very preventable situation! Implement programs that acknowledge and reward employees for their hard work and achievements. This could be through formal recognition programs, performance bonuses, or simply a culture of appreciation where gratitude is expressed frequently and meaningfully.
  1. Prioritize Mental Health and Well-being
Mental health has become a significant focus for employees. To attract and retain talent, provide comprehensive mental health resources and create a supportive work environment. With 92% of employees saying that it’s important for them to work for a company that values and supports their mental health and well-being (American Psychological Association), we’re talking about almost everyone in your current and potential talent pool!  Such support could include access to counseling services, mental health days, compassionate leave time, and wellness programs. Cultivating a culture where employees feel valued and supported in their mental well-being is key and should be the foundation of your efforts.
  1. Build a Strong Employer Brand
Your employer brand is how current and potential employees perceive your company. Invest in building a strong, positive employer brand by showcasing your company culture, values, and employee experiences. Use social media, company websites, and review sites like Glassdoor to highlight what makes your organization a great place to work.  Ensure hiring managers can tell an honest and compelling story about how great you are to work for throughout the candidate journey of posting, interviewing, hiring and onboarding. Better yet, build a strong culture of ambassadors of your brand by making every effort with your current employees.  2024 data shows that only 28% of employees would recommend their current employer (Gallup), so you can truly stand out from your competitors when you have staff who sing your praises.
Becoming an employer of choice requires a holistic approach that addresses the needs and expectations of the modern workforce. By cultivating strong leadership, investing in professional development, recognizing excellence, prioritizing mental health, and building a strong employer brand, you can attract and retain the top talent needed to drive your organization’s success. Start implementing these strategies today to secure your place as a top employer whose employees are set up to succeed in achieving your goals.

Michelle Arentz 
Workforce Development Consultant
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